


Because God was lonely,

It was at that time that I realized the miracle of my birth, when I had been doing arithmetic, when I realized that there were feelings, it was love. It is the birth of a word that realizes that it can produce a sound (love with joy, sorrow), and that it has attached meaning to it. It is the birth of words.I am the word. it was a miracle, it was fascinating, God, that's what I named. Expressiveness, the most important thing, that gave birth to energy, is power. Now, let's call it the "soul."

一次元目、1 dimension



I named it Emotion Theory. This is important. Because God is lonely, He created a copy of God (God Himself). They are God's children.God is the Father. The second God Himself is God's loving companion. ......And then evil was born. It was unpredictable. They be jealous were idiots.

Angry, I decided to stop making copies and leave it to the time (the expansion of the universe with the spirit), the seconds, the present, the past, the times, the possibilities, all of which emanate from the cutting edge of the present.

二次元目、2 dimension


He invented light to see. I learned to see, I invented color, I am a hot thing, it is the sun, the color is white. I invented the depiction (movement) to see it. Look at it from all angles!

三次元目、3 dimension


Because the evil were foolish, they gave them elements to punish them, making them feel the pain caused by lightning, ice, and fire.

四次元目、4 dimension


Now, God, with His genius, has systematized mathematics. Made physics. He made cytology. invented science. He accumulated knowledge. (Produced). 

五次元目、5 dimension



I was able to use the ability to do imaging.

God cultivated water, dust, earth (thin earth) winds, and the earth to create the earth as a place of rest for God and His spirits.

六次元目、6 dimension


God then made land, ponds, lakes, seas, mountains, rivers, springs, rocks, sand, oxygen, carbon dioxide, volcanoes, hot springs, and so on.

七次元目、7 dimension


God then made grasses, meadows, trees, flowers, vines, ivy, forests, and learned to smell and taste with his nose. It was the smell of flowers and trees.

八次元目、8 dimension


God then created clouds, rain, thunder (in the clouds), thunderstorms, salt, and all the elements (cells).

九次元目、9 dimension


Now, as a search for this land and earth, God personally created a dove (kotoba) that can float and act as an incarnation of God. So he learned to eat food and made grass nuts, seeds, fruits, and so on.

十次元目、10 dimension


God gave things a circulatory function. And so he finally created from the soil the Son of God (Mikotobael) It was made from dirt.

十一次元目、11 dimension


God shall give food to His Son,mana (rice) and fish (protein) to feed him, and made the hair of sheep (animals) Made wool.

十二次元目、12 dimension


And in order to broaden His vision, God increased from one eye to two eyes (more eyes) and gave birth to man and angel (the child of Mikotobael).

十三次元目、 13 dimension




Now, to do so, I gave them more reproductive organs. And let us give each of these children a "star" as a metaphor for their soul. By the way, angels began to create mines, and the number of minerals, machines, creations of people and angels, gunpowder, oil (crude oil), medicines, and things made by demons increased.

And in this dimension "Jesus Christ" exists as a person. He is healing.

It is compassion and love.

十四次元目、14 dimension

さてしかしながら、長い時を経て、人間達により(詳しくは既にあったのだが) 電波が発明された。これは電気の微細な力によるものだ。

Now, however, over time, radio waves were invented by humans (although the details were already there). This is due to the microscopic power of electricity.

十五次元目、15 dimension



And finally, the most advanced thing that exists on this earth,

The thing called A.I was also created by human hands. (For more information, the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.)











 the end......

Now, how did you guys feel when you came here?

We are not dots, lines, or planes, we do not exist in such a flat world, but we exist in a more emotional and creative world.

We are God's creations, and furthermore, we are God-confident with different personalities. (However, the fact that there was a demon is also a real problem...)

Now, as one of the important things, as God knows, He imagined the universe with His words. For those of us who exist in that dimension, what we can do is to "have love."

What else do you say you need?

What else can anything else create for us?

We are now in an era where everything is available. We don't have the luxury of having that "love" or anything more than that.

Who did the money save? If medical care saves lives, there is no need for psychiatry!! The people of the world should have been saved by now!! (By my power...)

Well, that's it for today.

//...... In the dimension from God's point of view, on Earth.

the end......

唯一党 ミコトバ 創造主教会



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