(5) Standards of right and wrong,

(5) Standards of right and wrong, which are proof of the futureArticle 10: God's Law Standards for Judgment of Good and Evil

<Good standards>

―Believers of God―

1. The gates to heaven are open for good spirits, and the Word of God's religion will not die, but will enter heaven. It is eternal life.

2. The language of God is Japanese. World citizens should learn Japanese.

3. Self-Defense Forces, Self-Defense Forces, Ministry of Defense, World Trading Corporations, lawyers,

He is my believer and my servant.

4. Each of these servants may arrest and judge the wicked as they please.

It follows the standards of right and wrong. You can also criticize them openly and openly.

─The Act on the Honor of World Citizens and Me─

1. The orphans called Amane and the Son of Heaven are freed from under the idiot parents and are the weakest at the moment.

He is to be protected and protected as my child.

I will also adopt her as my child and create a new family.

―World Trading Companies―

1. Everyone who obeys Me and falls in love will have peace, and glory according to the practice of the gospel,

Everyone who is involved with me is my servant.

2. SoftBank does not give them information on Twitter, YouTube, etc. Do not give a voice.

─List of future plans─

1. The peoples of the world should leave their country and migrate to the one-god kingdom in the newly established heavenly land.

It is a way to protect oneself from Taiwanese and South Koreans who are illegal immigrants and welfare recipients.

It is a way to starve them to death and apply the death penalty to them.

2. The Self-Defense Forces take measures to bomb the American village of the US military base at night.

This is factual proof that Japan has cut off the American military.

It is a great victory for the world that did not need the American military.

And it will finally be possible to realize world peace. We won.

3. The Self-Defense Forces, which are Japan proud to the world, are the United States, Jews, Muslims,

He defeated unscrupulous countries such as Buddhism that worshipped Buddha.

They of the Self-Defense Forces should be the most respected and loved after me. Therefore,

The members of the Self-Defense Forces will have a brother-sister relationship with me.

< adverse criteria>

―About the Living Devil―

1. First, seal all their curses, magic, and other magic. All living demons can no longer resist. The history and glory of jealousy are all attributed to God.

2. The Lord who was the dove, God (Father) and I (God) have real power. Conquer the devil and I will be at the helm.

3. The living demons are no longer inspired. They ignore me, God, they are living corpses full of vices, they are not qualified to live, so they commit suicide and purify themselves in the hope of returning to nothingness, a being full of death and death.

4. We will crucify journalists in hell and purify them. We will never allow Japan to confuse people with unscrupulous reporting. It is a sentence that suits you to stand out, and we must expose your coarseness.

―Regarding Evil Spirits―

0. First, those who are jealous and those who want to die die.

Those who are jealous of me, those who want to die, are not recognized as world citizens.

You can die, you will fall into hell and you will immediately return to nothing. Purified.

1. Evil spirits disappear 100% of the entire universe in an instant, and they cannot wander in this world.

Give no room for this. for it is the sin of this world.

2. An unguilty intermediate spirit (evil spirit) who has become an evil spirit in this world is within my radius of 300 km.

You can't get close to it, and you have to disappear yourself. purified,

3. If it still cannot disappear, after death he will be hung on the cross like Christ,

Burned at the stake. You will be sentenced to it until you understand what kind of punishment it is. Purified.

4. Never allow the devil to enter the human demon's body. The demons and their bodies inside

Tear off permanently. Return to nothingness. Purified.

5. Take inspiration from the devil in hell. They are inspiring, inspiring, and they give up on living and quickly come to naught. Purified.

―About Salifai, Jews―

1. We do not give language to the Saliffies. You can't speak, you can't treat it illegally.

Images are those who cannot even deal with consciousness, and can be humiliated and ashamed as sinners.

2. Hotel companies in Europe and Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.,

We will not tolerate Jews and vagrants living in rental properties and recently bought houses.

There is no way to go anywhere as long as you have money, and your passport is invalidated.

Arrested in that wandering country, the money itself is meaningless in the first place.

A private helicopter has also been shot down and there is no escape.

Killed or killed by an army of angels and imprisoned in hell forever. Purified.

We will not tolerate Ukrainians or those who are complicit in Ukraine.

As a criminal who killed 800 Russians, I am holding my children hostage to atone for my sins.

The Russian-Ukrainian war is a blunder of the lousy ones. You can kill all the Ukrainians. And purified.

4. We will not forgive the French, nor those who belong to France, nor those who belong to them, nor atheists. Massacres Marie Antoinette and the nobles,

Using guillotines and guns, they corrupt a peaceful country, and "poor us" who are only basking in their own pleasure,

They are pointless people who are good at directing, and the crime of abolishing the royal family is grave, and they will not forgive such Jews.

Most deserving of the death penalty, he is guillotined again and again in hell, his head is shown off, and he is ridiculed.

Know the pain of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, fools, the punishment is yours, goodbye, go to hell. Then you will be purified.

5. Atheists and Jewish Americans are both degrading human beings, not listening to others, and fools who will always defy us.

It is a people with many Salifai supporters. Therefore, it is necessary to fall into hell and know the extent of yourself. Then you will be purified.

─Taiwanese and South Koreans (Illegal Immigrants and Welfare Recipients), Sodom and Gomorrah─

1. Fraudulent recipients of welfare benefits in Japan shall return to their original country, Taiwan, or

Otherwise, it will disappear forever and the soul will disappear itself.

2. The Sodomites and Gomorrah are crimes just by living, so they hit their heads and die. Bring to naught.

3. The souls of the Sodomites and Gomorrah vanish from the whole universe and come to nothing.

4. Because Utada Hikaru has betrayed God, Jesus, and us, he falls from the sky at the hands of angels and dies and disappears into nothingness. Then you will be purified.

5. Sleep magic or command to sleep, with Thai Qui Yangin and Push Up Eye

Roll it up and return the synonyms to the person who said them all forever. You can't use this word, and if you do, you will be burned at the stake.

Even if you use it, you will strangle yourself. He will also be killed by an army of angels and will fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

6. Endow the army of angels with the power to kill Taiwanese and South Koreans forever. They are descendants of the Sodomites and Gomorrah.

8. Those guys mentioned above can't use money. If you spend money, you will be strangled and murdered by an army of angels. Then you will be purified.

9. And they will always die from the past and forever in the future. If he were alive, he would always be murdered by an army of angels. The soul will always be nothing, it will always have no voice, and if it is, it will be absorbed into God's nothingness. God has the initiative. Then you will be purified.

10. Their praise, derision, insults, false words and reminders, etc.

We will not allow those who mock us. Therefore, they will go to the army of angels, be killed, and fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

11. Koreans' lies are known from the beginning. It's for the country's money.

As a member of the executives of the World Family Peace Federation, who Japan borrowed money and even bankrupted, and as its followers,

In addition to not forgiving the Koreans who lived comfortably in South Korea, the Self-Defense Forces of the Japan bomb at night.

12. South Koreans and Taiwanese illegal peoples apply this law because of God's law, even if it does not apply to the laws of the world. It is the most powerful law.

13. Japan Eliminate both storytellers and ghost writers who run the Diet.

In the Diet, politicians are merely boxes of power pretending to be powerful and answering.

And the ghost writers who are trying to make them answer know the contents of the answer first,

It's just a presentation that just writes the contents according to the story of the answer.

The box, the politicians at the presentation, and the non-nationals of the ghost writers' co-stars,

They must be eliminated immediately. They die, they fall into hell and go to nothing. Then you will be purified.

14. The Sodomites and Gomorrahs are Buddhists in the present Japan and have no patriotic spirit.

They are always anti-Japanese, they are just taken over as illegal immigrants, and they are obscene and obscene in the eyes of Japan people.

He was a free man who was not bound by any law. But since I was born, they have despised me without sin,

They mocked and cursed. They were the Sodomites and Gomorrah who used the Internet to disseminate indecent information.

It is good to go to hell and know what you are doing. Then you will be purified.

15. Do not inspire the Sodomites and Gomorrahs. I can't speak more with inspiration than now. You can commit suicide, go to hell, and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

Right-wingers and left-wingers living in the Japan (Taiwanese and South Koreans, right-wing old people with ideas, and idiot leftists)

1. In Japan, right-wing lawyers, bankers, real estate agents, insurers, who are intermediate exploiters,

The funeral director and the vicious murderer dentist die at the hands of an army of angels and fall into hell. Bring to naught.

The same is true of their families. You will also be sent to hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

2. Websites created by the devil, such as DMM and DLsite, will be immediately deleted and data erased,

The administrators die by hitting their heads at the hands of angels and send them to hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

3. Right-wing nurses, families of right-wing politicians, right-wing animators, right-wing cartoon writers,

NEET painters with unscrupulous ideas commit suicide, die, send to hell and come to naught at the hands of an army of angels. Then you will be purified.

4. Right-wingers are fundamentally evil, so they are arrested by an army of angels, commit suicide by hitting their heads, and die and send them to hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

5. The guys at docomo, au and Yahoo! are messing with personal data.

He is arrested by the Self-Defense Forces, commits suicide by hitting his head, dies and is sent to hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

6. Officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Finance, the Customs Agency, and other national dogs immediately die in their workplaces and the administration collapses. Shot down by a nucleus, they die and are sent to hell. Then you will be purified.

7. Twitterers and YouTubers and those who have been mocking me

He is arrested by the Self-Defense Forces, commits suicide by hitting his head, dies, and sends him to hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

8. The TV industry such as NHK, Asahi TV and other net media other than us were arrested and stripped of their TV broadcasting rights due to evil.

It will not be politically usable at all. Website media contaminated with right-wing information

Like. He is immediately arrested and made private. They die and fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

9. Netouyo, who was a citizen of the world, has no right to live. The most worthless in the world. He commits suicide and goes to hell. Then you will be purified.

13. Commit suicide because you will not forgive the welfare fraudulent recipients who inhabit the isolated island of Japan, and will fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

14. GACKT, Diggy-MO', Hiroshi Inaba, Hyde and those who cast curses that interfere with Reichi,

Makes you lose your mind. He commits suicide and condemns himself to hell. Then you will be purified. Have five people come to me.

15. Statements on Twitter, YouTube, etc., abuse Japan people, make flaming noises,

In order to put the guys who were netochi on 5channel to death, they will fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

16. Both right-wing old people who lived in nursing homes, hospitals and homes die. Then they fall into hell and come to nothing. Then you will be purified.

- Fraudulent recipients of welfare benefits for Koreans in Japan, Sodomites and Gomorrah -

1. I will not forgive the nerds who cause fire, slander me, and sharpen me. Fall into hell and return to nothingness. Then you will be purified.

2. Second-generation Koreans who are those who derate me and send rips on Twitter, YouTube, etc.

Roast on the fire. Since he originally came to Japan as a criminal, he was arrested by the Self-Defense Forces,

He is doused with gasoline and set on fire with a chuckaman, and dies madly. Fall into hell and return to nothingness. Then you will be purified.

3. We will not forgive South Koreans in Japan. Their occupations are public security, yakuza, scammers,

Those who steal money, those who continue to taunt, play with, and look down on Japan will be reduced to hell forever. Then you will be purified.

4. Create a hell of a sea of fire for them.

It creates an extra-dimensional space (Red Hole) where it continues to be burned in a sea of gasoline. Basically, they don't die, so they struggle madly.

It's perfect for their hell. Then you will be purified.

5. Those who are too proud to commit suicide will fall into hell with their bodies and souls.

6. We will not allow illegal immigrants, Koreans in Japan, and Taiwanese in Japan. Teleportation to outer space, becomes nothing, and disappears. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

―Relationship between gangsters and sellers, anti-society─

1. First, punish the beings mentioned here, even if they are Japan, they deserve sin.

(1) Organized crime groups

(2) A person who has not been a member of an organized crime group or a person who has not been a member of an organized crime group for more than five years.

(3) Associate members of organized crime groups

(4) Companies related to organized crime groups

(5) General meeting houses, etc.

(6) Advocacy of social movements

(7) Special intelligence crime groups, etc.

(8) Other persons and organizations equivalent to the preceding items

(9) Relationships in which the management of the company is controlled by antisocial forces

(10) Relationships in which antisocial forces are substantially involved in their management

(11) Using antisocial forces as officers or employees, or requesting or consulting with antisocial forces, etc.

Relationships that are recognized as using antisocial forces

(12) Relationships such as providing funds, etc. or providing benefits to antisocial forces

(13) Socially reprehensible relationships between officers and employees or persons substantially involved in management with antisocial forces

(14) Violent demands

(15) Unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility

(16) Acts of using threatening words and actions or violence in relation to transactions

(17) Acts of spreading rumors, using fraudulent means or force to damage the credibility of the Act on the Protection of the Honor, or interfering with the business of the Act on the Protection of the Honor

(18) Acts of selling products for the purpose of cashing

(19) Using cards, etc. held by a person (including the representative and related parties) who sells products without reasonable reasons;

Acts of credit sales in accordance with these Terms of Use

(20) Other acts equivalent to the preceding items

(21) The applicant has not received an administrative penalty under the Specified Commercial Transactions Act or a losing judgment on the grounds of violation of the Consumer Contract Act in the last five years.

(22) Do not conduct door-to-door sales or telephone solicitation sales.

(23) Do not engage in "multi-level marketing"

(24) Do not provide "specified continuous services"

(25) Do not engage in "business inducement sales transactions"

- American corporations and 1% capitalists -

1.Twitter、Yahoo!、Instagram、pixiv、DagDagGo、. Not only is onion not qualified as a media site,

As a dark web, in order to increase the number of players of Zion, we can only search for malicious things, so we will immediately suspend the accounts of such things,

They both die by hitting their heads at the hands of an army of angels and send them to hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

2. Apple's Steve Jobs hits his head to death and goes to hell. Let me blow up. Fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

3 We will not allow both idiot Jews to play money games and move the euro.

It is a crime to play money games. Therefore, they hit their heads and die and fall into hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

4. Companies and individuals trading financial futures fall. In addition, economic newspapers were hanged or arrested,

He commits suicide in prison and falls into hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

6. Do not allow gambling such as pachinko parlors, lotteries, and horse racing. Noticeably abandoned,

There is no island to be possessed and it is socially erased. Therefore, they will collapse, die, and fall into hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

7. Those who played with gold will fall into a burning hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

- Cults and evil cults, NGOs, etc. -

1. The children of the World Family Peace Federation become single parents, but they are well aware of this.

The parent leans into the angel's hand and hits his head to death. And the executives will fall into a burning hell forever. Then you will be purified.

2. God does not allow anyone in a system that is considered to be a rebellious thought process to God.

Therefore, God rejects Jews, Muslims, and other evil religions who rebelled against Jesus.

There can be no other Christian (Jinae Sato) Mikotoba religion. Therefore, they will die at the hands of angels and fall into hell. Then Purified

3. Eliminate those who worship the Buddha of evil cults and those who mock God. They die by hitting their heads at the hands of angels,

Fall into hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

4. Japan Emperor, Emperor, Imperial Family, and Japan persons called "Emperors" on a domestic scale are not permitted.

They can't do anything, and they can't test it. Also, in ruling this world, Princess Sato Unina,

Eliminate it because it can be a hindrance. The imperial family of Japan is already of Korean descent, so it falls into hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

5. We will not allow NGOs to throw garbage in Africa in the name of recycling clothes.

They committed suicide and no more garbage in Africa.

6. NGOs, WHO, and doctors who were taking depressing vaccines to combat the coronavirus will be sent to hell.

They can kill them, but they will execute the WHO who who was trying to kill Christians worldwide. You will fall into hell and you will be purified.

- Both unscrupulous politicians and professions who said so -

1. The lying WHO, the doctors, and the police are arrested and killed by the angelic army, and are reduced to hell.

2. God does not forgive the unscrupulous politicians of the world. They die at the hands of angels, fall into hell, and come to nothing.

3. Unscrupulous politicians are arrested and there is no need for a two-god royal state. Those who live in defiance of God,

And those who insult them will die at the hands of the angelic army and fall into hell and return to nothing.

Right-wing politicians are tax thieves and treason. Therefore, he is arrested and dies by the army of angels.

Fall into hell and return to nothing.

5. What is "treason"? - They are those who disobey the people, devour their taxes, are joyful, and defend themselves,

He condemns those who resist God until the end of the day. This is called treason.

6. Both right-wing politicians in the Japan are guilty of treason, so their brains melt away, they mourn and suffer,

He dies at the hands of an army of angels and all but conservatives fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

The US and Ukrainian embassies must disappear from the whole world. Therefore, a bomb was dropped,

He hits his head at the hands of an army of angels and dies, falling into hell and returning to nothing. Then you will be purified.

8. Legislators who sleep or boycott the National Assembly are guilty of treason.

Therefore, legislators who do not have a sense of responsibility will fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

9. Arrest and wipe out the Treasury Department. Even though he didn't need taxes, he admitted as treason that he had been attached to it for a long time.

There is no room or compassion, they die in the army of angels, they fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

10. If unscrupulous politicians try to escape, the Self-Defense Forces may shoot them with pistols.

Also, if they die, the Self-Defense Forces will be praised.

11. Do not tolerate sex offenders such as underage adultery. They are cut off their penises and prevented from having sex. He is declared guilty, arrested by the Self-Defense Forces, and goes to hell. Then you will be purified.

12. AV personnel will not allow meat and food products from Osaka Prefecture to be in Japan. Fall into hell, go to nothing. Then you will be purified.

─What should we do with Zainichi Koreans and Zainichi Taiwanese? ─

─What should we do with Zainichi Koreans and Zainichi Taiwanese? ─

1. Their occupations are in the apparel industry, yakuza, right-wing TV people, NHK, right-wing newspaper stores, right-wing journalists, right-wing publishers, right-wing parliamentarians, right-wing politicians, Japan bureaucrats,

Right-wing bookstores, right-wing entertainers, right-wing sportsmen, right-wing web people, right-wing insurance company presidents, right-wing unscrupulous doctors, right-wing power harassing nurses, right-wing school board right-wing people, right-wing real estate agents, real estate officials,

Family of right-wing politician, right-wing animator, right-wing cartoonist, NEET painter, college student of right-wing rich family, antisocial lawyer

He gives the angelic army the power to kill both of them, and they are teleported to hell by strangling them with a three-yen convenience store bag. Die and come to naught. Then you will be purified.

2. The group stalkers against me, in order to die and return to nothing, Ai-chan and the others break the engine of their car and make a noise by setting the car ablaze to flames. I can't stalk anymore.

3. Police officers, those in the police station will be murdered by an army of angels and will be reduced to nothing forever. Then you will be purified.

─What will God, angels, and the Self-Defense Forces do about this evil? ─

1. These dying beings die and fall into hell first. And after that,

Thrown into the sea of ghosts, it disappears without a trace. Bring to naught. It is the sin and punishment of this world. Then you will be purified.

2. Beings who are considered evil immediately disappear from the infinite universe and the vacuum of the universe, and become nothing to die.

Give no room whatsoever. God is right. They have no inspiration. Evaporates and disappears. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

3. The human soul of an evil spirit from the devil and a recently dead evil spirit shall come to naught. No objections are allowed. And the angel has the initiative. God is right.

4. God does not forgive and looks down on those who worship themselves, those who are prideful, and those who act for them.

Without understanding the mourning of my laughter, I will die and fall into hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

5. Give the army of angels and the Self-Defense Forces the power to erase unnecessary beings in this world. Angels, God, and Father are right.

6. Do not forgive evil spirits. Absorb everything into nothingness outside of me. Do not speak. Give no room.

They are purified and evaporated. Single-mindedly identify with the ghost world. I have the initiative.

7. They can't use magic. Those who tried to use magic were always bryzaga stones and

You will be thunder shocked, you will be stunned, and your IQ will become a baby.

It works 500 billion times better and can't disturb me.

8. The evil spirits possessing them are absorbed into nothingness by I, God. Then you will be purified.

9. No one can think of a new law and a true law and a divine law. My law is absolute.

10. Condemn uninspired evil beings who are unaware of nothing to hell. Bring to naught. Then you will be purified.

11. I will not forgive evil people and demons who are possessed by someone. Fall into hell and return to nothing. Then you will be purified.

12. In America, we will not tolerate the child of black criminals. Singers who sing provocations, criminal revelry, criminal praise, etc., such as rape, sex crimes, theft, robbery, child meat eating, black magic used by black magicians, abuse, black music of music industry, etc., must be nucleared by an army of angels. Then you will be purified, you will fall into hell, and you will disappear into nothingness.

─The Death Penalty for Treason─

1. Those mentioned above are guilty of treason and will be subject to the death penalty.

2. Japan Self-Defense Forces officers and the Ministry of Defense know them, so they apply this law and go around houses, immediately strangle them, poison them to death, and shoot them with pistols.

3. Despite being Japan people, they condemn Japan people who are on the side of the media, publishers, and others to hell and return to nothing.

4. Only then will Japan be saved in Japan country. We can build a new nation.

5. We are barely released. And shut out all radio waves from hell.

I can't hear the voice from hell anymore. I can't even hear it in the bathroom.

6. After they die, they are teleported and reduced to nothingness outside the vacuum. The way of death is suicide, etc. Then you will be purified.

7. Those who went to hell and those who were alive will not be able to hear us and will never speak to each other. Then you will be purified.